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Wersja Topik (dyskusja | edycje) z dnia 09:35, 7 sie 2009
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Polski  • English

Kraj Austria
Rejon Steiermark
Trudność WW V
Mapka Untertalbach


Ujście do ?

Untertalbach is a small river (or a creek), which, in connection with Obertalbach makes Talbach, which finally has a mouth in Enns. You can arrive there with by the road 320/E651 to Schladming, then along Talbach to Untertal.

Spis treści

River Sections

Upper Untertalbach

Missing description


Warning: possible trees in the river

This part is so-called Wasserfallstrecke, with a big gradient i lots of dropa and slides (mostly till 2-3 m, but the highest one 8 m). You can scout whole part along the left bank, but not everywhere there is a good access to the river.

Detailed description

Należy płynąć po językach (najlepiej lewą), z bardzo dużą szybkością. Po kabinie może wyrzucić kajakarza za odwój nawet kilka metrów poniżej (wbija pod wodę). Możliwa asekuracja z prawego brzegu.

Water level

Gauge is located under the bridge in Untertal, at the end of Untertalbachklamm section

Water levels:

Below 100 cm you can also paddle Untertalbachklamm (90 cm is enough).


GPS Coordinates


<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.36563" lon="13.687763" type="map" zoom="14" scale="yes" overview="yes"> (B) 47.373043, 13.676824 Untertalbachklamm Gauge and End 47.358017, 13.694497 Untertalbachklamm Podkowa 47.358665, 13.692442 Untertalbachklamm Canyon 47.359637, 13.691832 Untertalbachklamm Waterfall 8m 47.35984, 13.691013 Untertalbachklamm Muhlerutsche 6#B2758BC5 (A) 47.357507, 13.697359 Untertalbachklamm Start 47.357828, 13.693873 47.361182, 13.690639 47.363496, 13.688036 47.365793, 13.684989 47.366171, 13.681857 47.367391, 13.681771 47.37307, 13.676691 </googlemap>

See also

External links

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