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Trudność WW 3-6 (X)
Mapka Barhal


Ujście do Coruh Nehri/en

Rzeki w okolicy

Barhal is one of the classic rivers in eastern Turkey. Sometimes it is called Altaparmak.

One can camp on the pickinc site above Barhal village, or in Yusufeli, at the Greenpeace campsite (at the end of the lower section).

Spis treści

River Sections

Upper Upper

One can scout whole section while driving to the put-in. It is worth doing as afterwards you do not have to scout while paddling. In 2012 we put-in below class 5-6 rapids, but it is possible to drive a few km further to see what does the river look like there. Beggining is steep, class 4-5, with a portage in the middle of the rapid.

Afterwards slightly easier, class 4-4+, sometimes even class 3-2, but afterwards with class 4 rapids. River flows through many small gorges. Warning: trees (we had 2 portages due to trees). River is quite small, fast flowing, quite steep. Before the take out tghere is a difficult drop with huge towback (one can portage or take out before it).


This section is more interesting than the upper one. At the beginning slightly easier, but with a few class 5 rapids. First one - small gorge with a siphon at the beginning. One can portage a siphon and put-in the the gorge (if there are eddies) or portage the whole gorge. Next class 5 rapid - a boulder garden (boulders just below the surface) and an undercut. Afterwards a few rapids 4+, big boulders. At the end of this part there is a drop (1.5 m) with a towback.

Afterwards difficulties are regular, class 3+-4+, all the time quite steep, sometimes a bit easier or a bit harder. Most of the time sounting not necessary (eddy hopping essential though). If it's your first run, you can do a lower section as well.


Easy section, runnable als by rafts. A few rapids up to class 3+.


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